Article : Introducing Interactivity In Lecture To Improve Its Efficacy


Introducing Interactivity In Lecture To Improve Its Efficacy


Dr. Sangeeta Maruti Gawali

Background: There are various ways by which learning is made more effective & active participation & attendance of the students can be increased. Interactive lectures are one of the important tools to achieve this. The aim of the present study is evaluating the efficacy of interactive teaching. Methods: Interactive lecture series were arranged followed by didactic lectures. At the end of each lecture feedback was taken by giving anonymous questionnaire from each participant. Rating of response was analyzed by ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ format in percentage. Results: 80-85% students reported interactive lectures are interesting, effective & should be followed regularly. Conclusion: Present study concludes that interactive lecture is an effective teaching learning tool which facilitates learners to think, feel & do.

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