iJARS Group is an internationally renowned publishing house and technical event organizer. We are involved in activities such as Publishing Articles through our journals, Organizing Conferences, associating with various Academic and Research Societies for organizing and conducting Conferences and promotions of technical events etc.
iJARS Group has been instrumental in highlighting and brining to focus the advanced knowledge & innovative ideas on modern technology for the betterment of society, since its foundation day. We are a collaboration of best of brains which aim to serve the human society through identification & appreciation of Innovative ideas which form the backbone of Research. We have committed ourselves to serve as a bridge between Research, Industry and Academics.
In today's date, we are one of the leading international journal publisher and technical event organizer. We have 10000+ contributing authors with around 500+ International Collaborators & Subscribers and over a Millions readers spanning over 120 countries across the globe.
To be internationally leading scholarly Society, through enormous contribution in all fields of Research and Studies.
The Mission of iJARS Group is to serve as an association of excellence, guiding and supporting Scholars, researchers and members to persuade the universal aim and responsibility to nurture the research and development activities in different branches of Studies and the advancement of general welfare for the upliftment of Society.